Monday 21 January 2013

Semiotics (Honda)

I have chose to use Honda as my chosen brand as their ads are extremely creative and unique, which is very unusual for a car brand.

Honda have associated their car to how a biro writes on a banna, 'it works like a dream.' By using a fruit to advertise their cars, makes honda stand out from it's competitors, as it is very rare for a car brand to advertise their range of models without showing them. This shows the companies playful side and highlights how much fun the drive in a Honda is, as writting on a banana in pen is a very child-like action.

'Have you ever written on a banana in biro? It's crazy but it works like a dream.'

Message - If you haven't driven a Honda before, you need to, it works like a dream.

'You wish all writting could be this way, it flows, it's smooth, it's sensual'

Message - Honda makes driving this way, it flows, it's smooth, it's sensual.

'A strongly worded letter of complaint is impossible. Its makes you realise that everything can be improved.'

Message - With Honda you will have nothing to complain about. Honda is improvement.

'Do you believe in the power of dreams.'

Message - Honda is what dreams are made of. With Honda anything is possible.

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