Monday 11 March 2013

The Art Of Advertising - Modernism & Advertising - LMS

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet, from the 1800's, who produced notable work as an essayist and art critic. He once quoted 'To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art - that is, intimacy, spirituality, colour, aspiration towards infinite, expressed by every means available to the arts.'

London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company's approached Norman Wilkinson to create their modernistic adverts in 1924. He was a British artist that was a well known marine painter, however was also an illustrator and poster artist.

Norman Wilkinson adverts for LMS were typically modernist due to their flat, bold colours and simple shapes, which was rare to find in advertising in the early 1920's.

The LMS adverts mimic such famous modern artists, such as Salvador Dali and Raoul Dufy. Both incorporated a love of expressive colour and minimalist shapes.

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